
Showing posts from December, 2015

New Notall Single - Just Now - Single Review!

Attention: Notall is back with a new single after their recent release of  my baby, my lover  which was a great single but I have to admit they did a even better job with this one. No Joke. As soon as I found out about this release I immediately pre-ordered it, especially when I saw that they collaborated with the other indie group CYNTIA​ for their lead track,  Just Now . I still would have bought it even if they wouldn't have done that. I really liked the cover art of this single as each member looks extra cute.  Sorry for embarrassing you. Now for my single review of  Just Now. The single has three tracks on it. The title track  Just Now  is one of those songs that you could have on a road trip and jam out to it while on a open highway.  The chord at the beginning gets the song to a great start right off the bat. The vocals come in with the order: The whole group then Katase Narumi, Tasaki Reina, Watanabe Chiko and fina...