A Bright Parade That Will Shake The World - LALAPARADE! (ららぱれーど! ) - New Age Idols Spotlight

When you think of a parade, what comes to mind? Is it exciting? Vibrant? Fun? If you combined all three into an idol group, it would make a statement. Right? Well, there is a group out there that fits these perceptions to a T. Let's go see the LALAPARADE! It begins shortly. Will you join me on Main Street? Group Information LALAPARADE! (ららぱれーど!)or LALAPA (ららぱ for short), is a group that debuted on July 23rd, 2021 with a live at Yokohama Minatomirai Broth (横浜みなとみらいBronth). They are currently under the agency, アパートメメントモリ (Apartment Memento Mori LLC.) ららぱれーど!consists of four members with a wide array of fun personalities. As of now, they have released two digital albums. According to their official website and Twitter account, the meaning behind the name is simple. It combines LALA from LALAPALOOZA. which has the meaning of rumbling and astounding, and PARADE, a word that means march or procession. The group will shake the world with their bright and fun performances with...