
Showing posts from January, 2016

Rocking Out! - Aoyama Saint Hachamecha High School - Idol Spotlight

Update 1-26-2016: I originally released this article on August 31st, 2014. It was one of the first three I made and it showed. After about a year and a half, it is time to redo this article in my styling. I am including updated information and also actual member pictures. Aoyama Saint Hachamecha High School has got to be one of my favorite indie idols that I have enjoyed listening to in the past year or so. Their music is so upbeat and energetic that it will cause you to have a dance contest. So let us get into it. A little backstory behind this group. The group participated in the show Shibuara Nico Sei Idol Collection in early 2012 where they had to get 1000 copies of their single Hachamecha School Days pre-ordered in order to make their debut. The groups currently hosts a segment on Uta Musume on TV Saitama and has since 2013. Their fourth single was released back in March called, Starting Over, which was the opening song for the TV show Rank Oukoku, which ai

48 Group Oshimen Introduction - NMB48 Yagura Fuuko

All photos courtesy: Yagura Fuuko Facebook Page Since I like Japanese Pop a lot, I mean a lot, you start to follow multiple idol groups all the time. I don't mind it but it can be a little hectic from time to time. I have been a fan of the 48 groups for about two years now, give or take a couple of months. I had my AKB/SKE kami-oshi Matsui Rena. Then she graduated. After graduation I changed it to just my AKB kami-oshi, which is Okada Nana. As for HKT, I haven't decided yet but that will soon change. For SKEs' sake in this situation, I really don't have one. That would leave in terms of main 48 sister groups, NMB48. I rarely knew of NMB except through Miyuki Watanabe and Yamamoto Sayaka. I liked them but I never really chose a favorite until recently. I saw this video in a Facebook group I am joined in and I had to find out who this member was. 雪にダイブッ⛄️ #憧れのダイブッ #この後びしょびしょ #さ〜む〜い Posted by Yagura Fuuko - 矢倉楓子 NMB48 on Friday, Novembe

Welcome To The New Site!!

As you can tell, some things have changed here. Not only is there a new URL but also, there is a new look, Starting from the header down to the footer. I have added a couple of pages to the new site including a About Me section and a Contact section. They are on the tabs above. I also would like to say thank you to everybody who made this possible. Technically it is the same site as my previous blog but a new address, I hope you like the look and let's learn more about idols why don't we. Also, I would like to add a new feature to this site as well. I will be posting weekly idol news to get you all caught up. Research is going to be quite heavy but I can do it. If possible, I would like to try videos out for a change but that is still a work in progress, so stay tuned.