
Showing posts from December, 2020

If Bees Listened To Music, They Would Choose These Artists - Hachimitsu Emporer (蜂蜜★皇帝) / Le☆Miel (ミエル) - New Age Idols Spotlight

For the month of December, I wanted to spotlight a couple of artists that have been an impact on me for a few months.  They also have left an impact on the city of Gifu, Japan as well. One group does Fairytale Rock while the other performs Sweet Pop. When you combine them you get sweet satisfaction.  Bee-lieve me, they are both really good groups that shine brightly for the world to see.  As you can tell, this hasn't been updated since December 2020. The original article was pretty beefy but things have changed since then. Some members have come and gone, as well as some new releases. So in August 2021, I went back into the hive to share the information I had learned. Will you join me again on this journey inside the honeycomb (last one, I swear)? Group Information Both of these groups are from Gifu, Japan and if you don't know where that is, here is a handy dandy location. If you google Gifu, it looks pretty stunning! I want to go there to see the area as well as these g...