What They Wanted To Know: Questions About Idols From Family And Friends - New Age Idols Opinion Piece

My Favorite Picture From My Trip (Senso-ji Temple) As the title suggests, I will be answering questions I have received from my personal life regarding my love for idols. Okay, I will start with the most common one I have received. - What are you listening to? This happens a lot of times at work with people who do not know me so well. I will be playing my jams and I get that question. They usually ask if it is Spanish (since I do live in the states) and my answer obviously is, no. I usually explain to them what I am listening to and get the shrug and walk away but I don't care. I have my tastes and they have theirs. - They look so young. Do you like girls that age? I am going to give you idols a compliment. You all look young, which is really great. As for myself, I don't look like my age either. The answer to the question is hard in its own right. Let's say that in the case of AKB48, some members can be quite young or Sakura Gakuin in most cases. ...